Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Conversations Over Coleslaw

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
(16) For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
(17) After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.
(18) Therefore encourage each other with these words.


I think we should popularize the idea of getting a cup of coleslaw and talking to each other. I know coleslaw doesn't have the same image as a cup of fine roast coffee and in most places coleslaw doesn't cost $3-$5 a cup. Of course, it isn't good with cinnamon and whipped creme and all the latte flavors. But still, some interesting conversations can be had over coleslaw.


Let me see if I can explain myself. Obviously, coleslaw is made from cabbage and vegetables just don't have the appeals that a steaming hot cup of coffee has, especially served in an atmosphere with tall tables and light conversation. But, perhaps my recent experience will connect with you.


Just yesterday I was working with one of my fellow employees at our local fish emporium, otherwise known as Long John Silvers. Our job was to make coleslaw for the next day. The gleaming white slaw making tub was scoured and sanitized and waiting for the crisp fresh cabbage and carrots to be added, along with the creamy sauce that gives LJS slaw its unique and delicate flavor. (That's an awfully flowery statement for slaw, isn't it?) As she was adding the cabbage and carrots we began to strike up a conversation! And our attention turned toward the state of the world and many people that we knew. In a God-moment I felt the Holy Spirit prompt me to say that our hope is in Jesus Christ and one of these days, HE IS COMING AGAIN! She looked over the top of her glasses a moment and in a profound tone of voice said something like this, "Yes, and I think it is going to be soon, very soon!" This conversation of encouragement about the Lord's return continued right through the slaw making process. And we both felt significantly encouraged that we might make it through another day of work and another day of life by God's grace; we just needed to hold on to the hope of Jesus and remember that what we are experiencing here "ain't all there is"!


It doesn't take a coleslaw party to encourage people with the return of Christ! It can be over the waterfountain at your job, a piece of pie at the end of supper, or even a simple text message over the phone. You know, as well as I do, we are living in an age when we see things falling apart. The stock market on which we have relied is nosediving one day and surging the next. Leaders are not trusted. And most of all, we feel so insecure! We can take hope. Heaven may or may not be a lot like earth. But my hope is this: I trust Christ! Whatever happens, WHATEVER happens, He will be there to support us in difficult times. I kind of like that. Jesus is NOT a crutch; He gives strength to my legs to make the most of these days for Him. I trust He will so work in your life as well.


Father God, we haven't a clue about what will happen tomorrow. We don't know if we will have money or if we will all be poor! But help us to realize that we will always be rich in Jesus Christ; that when the money fails, He will always be there. It is a difficult thing for the world to accept, but yet the truth is so good! In Jesus name, Amen!

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