Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Simple Heart, Simple Love

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have ever lasting life! -- John 3:16

If you would Google or Yahoo images of hearts, all kinds of pictures will come up. You would find an assortment of designs. Valentine shapes, human heart pictures, even two cats lying mirrored next to each other in the form of a heart, would grace your screen. Valentine shapes have become exotic and fancy; sometimes they are simple letting the basic design of the heart shape itself speak the language of love.

Sometimes I get very flowery in my words. But I'd like for this blog to be simple in design instead of complex. I'd like the scripture for our lesson to simply remind us what true love is all about.
Dear God, please teach us simple, life-supporting, God pleasing love, just as you have shown it and Jesus demonstrated it. Thank you, in Jesus name! Amen.

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