--Benjamin Potter, FBC Mulberry Grove
Writing Guidelines for the 30 Days of Thanksgiving Devotional
- Anyone in the community is welcome to submit a devotional of an inspirational and Christian nature.
- All devotionals will become property of the Mulberry Grove Ministerial Alliance and no payment will be made for any of the devotionals.
- The recommended length will be 250 words, with an appropriate verse of scripture and a short prayer to be included on the page.
- The theme of the devotional is to reflect Thanksgiving or praise for God’s goodness.
- The devotional is to reflect a local flavor – featuring events or happenings that would relate to the people of Mulberry Grove. Each devotional should have an appropriate title.
- The deadline for submission will be Memorial Day and they are to be submitted to one of the local pastors. They will be reviewed by one of the pastors and may be resubmitted to writer for editorial corrections. Ministerial Alliance reserves the right to edit based on available space.
- Devotionals may be selected for use in a local publication of a devotional book entitled “30 Days of Thanksgiving” or a blog set up to distribute similar material. Material may be made available to each resident of Mulberry Grove or other persons without fee. Freewill offerings to help with publication would be most welcome.
- Decision of the ministerial alliance will be final in determining usage in the book or blog.
- All submitted articles must include the signed release below stating transfer of intellectual property rights.
I, ____________________________________, hereby submit the devotional entitled _____________________
for possible use in the devotional booklet “30 Days of Thanksgiving” or on a blog site set up for this purpose.
I assign all publication rights to the Mulberry Grove Ministerial Alliance. I understand I do this as a community
project and that no fees or royalties will be paid. I understand that apart from the preceding mentioned work,
I retain all rights to my work for future publication and use.
Signed: __________________________________________ Date: ________________________________